Well, it's been a spell, hasn't it? I apologize. The old man (better known--but only slightly--as my computer) has had it in for me the last few days. Perhaps he has heard rumors of a replacement. It's just as well, since there's not a whole lot going on. At the moment, my life is consumed with catsitting my furry little nieces and doing the Idol (idle) countdown. Yup. Everyone but Boy and I seems to be Spring Breakin' it down in Mexico, Portland and Alabama. Yesterday Boy and I toured Rome and Canada...also known as Hoagieville and Dairy Queen...which leads me to the question:
Does anyone else see something terribly wrong with this picture?

Well, gotta go. Miss Bliss is stuck in the broom closet. AGAIN.
Hi from Mexico, ed. You stumped me. I can't figure out what is wrong with the photo.
Hello to Mexico, lance! The picture's a little blurry, so here's a hint: That's the front and back views of a dilly bar and there's SOMETHING missing.
WE HAVE A WINNAH!! You're darn right it's not a dilly bar without that swirly button--though I'm not sure I'm comfortable calling that a dilly. And, by the way, thanks, as always, for the disgusting mental picture of an aligator with an outie belly button...on a stick, no less. Now if you'll pardon me, I'm off to go have some NIGHTMARES!
That is terribly wrong. Man, remember when those things were like a quarter. They jacked up the price, and removed the drop. How I pine for the days of old.
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