So, other than overcoming my fear of coffeeshops day by day, what have I been up to in the last months? Well, let's see. A whole lot of smiling, crying, and in short, just a whole lot of being alive. It feels good, you know? I've played global hopscotch: Portland-Seattle-Thailand-Seattle. (Next stops: Missoula-Russia, or Finland, to be exact.) I feel incredibly, incredibly blessed to be here. To be anywhere. To be living this story with all it's crazy and beautiful characters. To be on a lifelong road trip with God. I've taken some pictures. I've seen some faces. I've read alone and read outloud. I've sent letters and received some. I've spent money and had the humbling experience of being given it too. I've gone without music and internet, once considered vital to my existence, only to find out it's not...though I'm grateful to have it again. Pretty simple stuff, really. I don't know what I--or anyone else--was hoping for when I set out, but I don't think I'm disappointed. If there's a place on this earth with the name 'Home' written on it--a place to pitch my tent--I guess I'd still like to find it, but it doesn't seem like such a worry anymore. I guess what they say about Home and your heart is true. My heart is with God, and I can be at home with Him anywhere.
It's wonderful to see a new post here. Welcome back to the states.
Hey, I'm glad to hear your doing so good. I had a dream about you the other day and I was wondering where in the world is Erin Sandiago? Looks like this gumshoe may have found her in seattle drinking and eating like a health nut.
Thanks, Lance! It feels good to be back.
Russ, wow. I sure hope Carmen hasn't been tracking me. She always creeped me out, with her colorful fedora, trenchcoat and all. Sudden shivers up the spine. And gumshoe? Wow, never thought I'd hear you use that word. Or anyone, for that matter. I guess all those forced old movie screenings really paid off. Good to hear from you.
Hey...you're awesome! Just thought you should know.
I put the some back in awesome? I don't know what that means, but I miss you!
Hey there ed, here's a great link for your knitting blog: Knit Night Cupcakes
Oh my word, Lance!!!! I want to have a KnitNight just for that! And incidentally, thank you for remembering that this is a "knitting" blog. I had rather forgotten, myself...
In case you don't already know, there's a Yarn Challenge going on. I also thought your readers might be interested in a yarn t-shirt.
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