Mom's pretty desperate for grandkids.
On Saturday, my mom and I went birthday shopping. I guess where they live, there are no presents to be had. Well, not really. The shopping itself was actually part of her present to me. I never go shopping these days. My shopping life takes place in a 3 mile radius which is further limited by how much I want to carry home on foot. Besides that, no one will shop with me because I'm such a nuisance. Poor Fella. This was his life for three years:
Me: I just need to grab one thing really quick...
(2 hours later)
Me: Oh, I don't know. Which one do you think I should get?
Fella: (ever so patiently) Get that one. It's much cooler.
Me: Okay...yeah...but...hmmm...
(I'd eventually buy whichever one he didn't suggest, or worse, buy nothing at all)
It continually amazes me that he never just lost it. Well, now you know how that went. But today's post is not about that. So yes. Shopping with my mom, for better or for worse, is very much like shopping with myself. When she says, "I just need to grab one thing really quick," we all just pretty much laugh. And she laughs too. So Saturday we went to The Antique Mall to try to find some kitchen chairs. (That's the other half of the Fella story--ha ha). I didn't find any, but we had fun just looking around. And then mom saw...

...IT! Green glitter naugahyde with a magazine rack underneath! That's me! A sparkly poodle and this?? What more could a girl want?

Now I have a new place for the magnetic magic to occur...
hey. i hav't read the post yet. you'll have to forgive me. if you don't i may just end up in the deepest darkest level of dante's infero. okay, so that is a bit drastic. but anyways, forget anything design i am proud of, nice little diagram at the end of your post. organized beyond any room i have ever lived in.
Well, R-Dub, it's not from IKEA, so I think you'll be okay...But just in case, I'll fill the spray bottle and grow some Russnip to keep you happily distracted.
That's a stellar stool!
This story reminds me when, last summer, lafalda, Riley, rael, and I took a little road trip over to Bozeman. Butte is on the way to Bozeman, and in Butte there is a little thrift store, which lafalda loves, and for good reason.
First it was super cool that all of us were black licorice lovers, but the really great thing happened while we were at the thrift store. After about an hour and a half of just looking around, lafalda said something like, "are you guys waiting on me?"
Us: no just looking around.
lafalda: you guys are the best to take to the thrift store everyone else always wants to leave right away.
We then ended up looking around for another forty-five minutes or so. Riley found some old bomber goggles for me, which I use while riding the motorcycle, and rael bought all of their spare buttons - about two bags full.
I also scored this sweet pic of Riley on that trip.
The origins of your green chair!! Christy M
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