That's what my friend Bee kept calling the holiday we celebrated last Friday. I don't have any photos to post, so I am giving you my sloppy cartoon rendering of our Cinco de Mayo evening...complete with all the limbless, digitless characters we encountered...and my first gray hair for which I like to thank the last 3 months of my life. While intending to prove just the opposite, it occurs to me that, by taking the time to draw and post a picture, I am bearing witness to the fact that I don't exactly have what is ordinarily referred to as
a life. I guess now is as good a time as any to confess that I spent the following evening having a Star Wars marathon with my other friend
Bee from NJ. Heck, I'm not gonna lie. It was all a lot of fun.
Come on, lifeless nerds are the best!
Thanks, Lance. You should know :)
Nerds unite!
Hee hee. I forgot about that :) Maybe it is time to update my profile pic.
ain't nothin' wrong with that.
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