I've taken up my morning 'M' climbing again. It's such a great way to clear the head. Well, maybe clear isn't the right word for me (instead of the hamster on the wheel, I've got Robin Williams with the cameras rolling). Perhaps 'stir' is a better word. Yes, hiking is a great way to stir the head. You wouldn't believe some of the mental cocktails my creative juices can mix. Never fear, I'm sure I will be posting lots of them. Today, however, I want to share something less random. You can call it the tea that brews only in hot water and forces us to pause and sip...if you are so inclined. Lately I've been stressing about where and what I'm supposed to be. I guess I've sort of been reminding God that the clock is ticking and I ain't gettin' any younger (to which He would probably respond...'Whose clock?'...if I gave Him the chance). Following the zigzag trail up the mountain, looking down at my feet, I pleaded for direction (step-by-step instructions would be nice) for myself as well as my friends. When I got to the 'M' I looked up from my feet. As I stood there, overlooking the city, I was reminded how much bigger life is than any one of us and how many different paths we take on our way through. Then out of somewhere/nowhere/everywhere, my worry's answer came: 'You're asking to see My footsteps. I want to show you My face.'
It's astounding really, this relationship we're invited into. So often we dismiss it as religion or rules to live by (that often seem to cramp our style), but the offer is for so much more. If we keep our eyes on the ground, always looking for God's footsteps, we will miss the love in His face and the beauty all around us. But if we keep our eyes on Him, always looking to His face, there's no way we'll miss that path He has for us. We will walk it together.
thank you so much for posting this. i have at times worried about God's direction for my life. so, i have first hand seen the problem. i will pray for you, i pray you will pray for me.
much love sister,
justin cash
hello again. i just wanted to let you know, as the author, that i sent this article to some friends of mine. i hope that is okay. no money being made of your writing, just sending it to some friends.
much love again,
justin cash
Hey, anything I can do to help someone else along this bumpy path. I WILL pray for you.
hey the j man had this on his site, sent it into e-maily too, any ways, its a good writing i enjoyed it, ill be checkin you out more often, hope i find more like this :)
it wasnt showing my post, making sure it does, hey the j man had this on his site, sent it into e-maily too, any ways, its a good writing i enjoyed it, ill be checkin you out more often, hope i find more like this :)
----ps do you mind if i put a link to your site, so friends can check it out when they check out my site i put this on my blog, but i said its yours hehe, not mine, hope more people check you out is all, if you dont want just tell me, its gone, but still would like to say hi, and i enjoyed your blog for the 10 mins i could check it out today, ill check it out again dont worry
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